Secondary Search Filters and Tags

When creating new Marketplace Items, you will be required to categorize your listing through a variety of properties and fields found in the Item Listing's Item Properties.

The Item Types and Categories article goes over Item Types and Categories. This article will review the available Secondary Filters and best practices for item and asset Tags. 


Secondary Search Filters

Also referred to as "Secondary Filters" - the purpose of this list of options is to help optimize the Roll20 search functionality. The fields required for each Marketplace Item Listing will update once your Item Category is selected.

Complete List of Secondary Filters

Click to Unroll
Filter Name Required For... Purpose
Starting Level Adventures
Indicates the starting level of players.
Players Min/Max Adventures and Board & Card Games
Two separate filters indicate the minimum and maximum player count allowed in the Adventure or Board/Card Game.
Age Recommendation All Items
If your content is appropriate for all ages, please select "Child Friendly". If there are adult themes or violence, please select "Teens and Up" or "Mature" depending on the intended audience. (Note: Roll20 may send-back items featuring nudity, excessive violence, gore, or mutilation during the approvals process.)
Art Style All Items
Used to identify the art style found within your content. You can choose between Traditional, Anime, Photorealistic, 3D Model, Pixel, and Black & White. The option "None" should only be chosen for text-based Adventures or Rulebooks that include no art.
Downloadable All Items
This field does not set whether or not your item is downloadable but rather defines whether your listing will appear in searches the user makes looking for Downloadable Content. This setting should match your answer for this field:
"Is this set to be sold via the Roll20 EULA / available for purchaser download?" when creating Art Packs.
Genre All Items
Helps define the genre of your content. Choose the best category (or categories, where appropriate) Options include Agnostic, Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Historical, Horror, Steampunk, Superhero, Apocalypse, and Sports.
Installation All Items
This should match your Item Type. Your options are Art Pack, Addon, Module, Compendium, and Token Marker Set.
License Art

This indicates your willingness to discuss Commercial Licensing rights with anyone hoping to use your content in their work.

You can choose between "None" and "Commercial License Available" options. If you select the latter, provide contact info in your Description.

NOTE: This filter DOES NOT grant any use permissions via this filter.

Grid Art and Adventures
Used to describe the grid found in the Art or Adventure. If your artwork does not have the grid drawn directly onto the artwork, use "Grid: None". Map Packs that include Gridded and Gridless versions should have two Grid filters: one representing "None" and the other "Square"/"Hex".
Perspective Art and Adventures
Is your content viewed Top Down, Front-Facing, or from an Isometric perspective?
Game System Art, RPG Rulebooks, and Adventures
If your product is designed with a particular Game System in mind (for example Pathfinder, Cyberpunk RED, Dungeons & Dragons), select that system. Select "Any" if it is designed to be system agnostic and choose "Other" if your game system does not appear in the dropdown. Spamming this filter for Art Packs will result in sendbacks.
Language Games
The language this product is written in.
Features Not Required
This filter calls out special features in your product such as Animations, Dynamic Lighting, Charactermance Support, Audio, Card Decks, Macros, Rollable Tables, or Token Markers.
Unique Status Not Required
This filter is most commonly added to Bundle items or officially licensed content, but may occasionally be utilized for special events.

Adding More Filters

We encourage you to explore and add additional filters found in the Add Filter dropdown menu. More filter specificity will benefit you and potential Marketplace Customers. Think about what they might search for and be sure to include filters that highlight more features in your product. For example, you may want to add multiple filters for Grid and Perspective if your Art Pack includes more than one image type.



Tags help with search optimization across the Roll20 Tabletop and in the Marketplace. They are required in two instances on a Marketplace Item:

  • On each Item Listing, regardless of Item Type (limit of 5)
  • On each image asset uploaded to an Art Pack (limit of 3)


Tags should be specific and target words or phrases that purchasers would search for to find your content. They do not have to repeat words found in your Item's Title.

General Rules for Creating Tags

  1. Product Name, Publisher Name, Game System, and other secondary filters are already accounted for and don't require repeated as their own Tags UNLESS you have an Art Pack that has some image assets that do not match the current Item Category. (For example, Portrait images included in a Bordered Token categorized Art Pack)
  2. Do not use hashtags(#) in Tag names.
  3. Hit the Return key between each tag to keep their entries separate. If you do not do this, you will end up with one giant tag that Marketplace Search can not parse correctly.

Item Listing Tags

The tags associated with the Marketplace Listing itself can be edited by clicking the EDIT ITEM PROPERTIES button and scrolling to the bottom of the page to the "Tags" section. 

The tags you select should include terms that best sum up your content and what you'd expect customers to type into a general search when looking for your product. One thing to keep in mind when creating your tags is that the first tag holds more weight than the second, which holds more weight than the third. So the key is to order your tags in priority. Be sure to click save tags once you’re finished to retain your selections.

  Do Not Use Other Company Names as Tags!

Do not tag your products with the names of other Partners (examples: Chaosium, Paizo, etc) even if your content is designed to complement their products.

Image Tags

You can automate the applications of the tags to your art assets of an Art Pack by including them in the file name before you upload them.

Use this naming format: Name_Of_Art_File[tag1,tag2,tag3].PNG

(This also works for GIF, JPG, and WEBM file types)

Single Asset Item Tagging

Click on the PENCIL ICON over an invidiual art asset to edit its Name, Tags, and Grid Dimensions. 

Bulk Item Tagging

Click on EDIT ALL IMAGES button to pull up the Edit Image Properties window that displays ALL art assets in your Art Pack at once.


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